Hello, my name is Brenda Corbin. Thank you so much for visiting my website...

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little about my child development program. One note before I go on,

I put together this website so, at your convenience, you can get all the answers to your questions that you need. I've tried to keep this site simple but fun and very informative.
I hope you'll agree.


After reading through the site, we can set up a time for a family meet & greet. Just call me at 757-427-2317 or email me

If you're not interested but know of a friend or co-worker who might be, please tell them about my website - or give them my phone number and I'll be glad to talk with them.

If you are visiting for future childcare needs, please "bookmark" my website.

Your child's health is very, very important. Recently,
two brand new AccuClean Whole Home Air Filteration Systems were installed in my home. The AccuClean removes greater than 99.98% of the influenza A, B, and C influenza virsuses including the avian and H1N1 influenza virsuses from the filtered air.


My Philosophy, Attributes & Goals...
Like myself, any childcare provider needs to have...
»  An understanding of the varying capabilities, interests, needs and problems of children in their care;
»  The ability to relate to children with courtesy, respect, patience and affection;
»  An understanding and respect for the families of the children in their care and
»  The ability to provide activities and experiences daily that reflects the cultural and ethnic diversity of the children in care, which will enhance the total development of the children.
As a childcare provider and a mom, I believe that children learn the best in a gentle, caring, positive, trusting, and consistent atmosphere. But, every child learns differently and reaches milestones at different ages.
Most importantly, I think that even the better schools or centers can't offer the warm, loving atmosphere of a home. This gives each child the personal stimulation and interaction that they want and need.
In higher quality childcare, providers are sensitive and use stimulating material in a structured environment.
It's my goal to provide each child with a safe, clean, and comfortable environment where they can grow, learn and play with confidence and love.
Remember, I'll be sharing in the raising of your child by reinforcing and supporting your values and ideals.
Childcare Hours...
I hope you are enjoying my website I'm open year-round, Monday through Friday.
Daily hours are generally from 5:30 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon but each parent will have their own set hours.
If your child is contracted from 6:30AM to 4:00PM, please observe these times. Even though I am technically "open" until 5:00PM, you have only contracted until 4:00PM and your child needs to be picked up at that time. I plan my activities and appointments according to each child's contracted hours.
Who Am I Looking For?
Newborns thru 4 years of age.
With COVID-19 a huge concern for all families, I have a VERY small group.
There are no long-term contracts required*; No registration and/or enrollment/sign-up fees.
The Commonwealth of Virginia has guidelines set-up for Family Day Homes and childcare centers.
(Great) Location, Location, Location...
My address is 1725 Live Oak Trl Virginia Beach VA 23456-4081; located very near the intersection of Princess Anne & Seaboard Rds.

DIRECTIONS Princess Anne Rd, London Bridge Rd, General Booth Blvd and Holland Rd are all under 5 minutes away from my home.
Dam Neck Rd, Oceana Blvd, West Neck and North Landing Rds are around 5 minutes away.
I have over 30 years of experience with children. I have two daughters on their own, with a 24 year-old daughter and 13 year-old grandson at home.
I've had my established childcare business for over 20 years and take it very seriously. This is my business... this is my career... this is something I love to do. I consider myself much more than just a "sitter."
Developmentally & Age Appropriate Curriculum...
There is a sufficient supply and variety of developmentally appropriate play materials, toys and equipment available to the children.
The children also have daily age appropriate (based on physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs) opportunities for...
1) vigorous outdoor (weather permitting) and indoor play;
2) to learn about themselves, others and the world around them;
3) to exercise initiative & develop independence (in accordance with their age) and
4) for structured and unstructured play time and learning activities, initiated by both myself and your child.
A-B-C's and 1-2-3's...
...a typical day...

Morning drop-off time...
8:00 - it's breakfast time for everyone. All the children eat in the kitchen.
8:30 to 9:30 is coloring, learning time, crafts...
9:30 to 11:00 is free time/play.
11:00 is lunch.
11:30 to about 2:00/2:30 is their quiet/nap times.
The remainder of the day is PLAYTIME...usually outside...if the weather is cooperating :-) and snacks.

Behavior & Guidance...
Our home is a "NO Spanking Zone!" There is NO yelling at the children.
I discuss with you the rules and limits used to encourage desired behavior and discourage undesired behavior for your child while they are in my care.
I use positive methods of discipline, which are constructive in nature and include the following techniques...
Using limits that are fair, consistently applied and appropriate and understandable for your child's level of development;
Providing the children with reasons for limits;
Giving positively worded direction;
Modeling and redirecting the children to acceptable behavior;
Helping the children to constructively express their feelings and frustration to resolve conflict and
Arranging my equipment, materials, activities and schedules in a way that promotes desirable behavior.
A Good Nutritional Diet...
A Good Nutritional Diet...
All the children are provided with a breakfast, a regular lunch, snacks and beverages at no extra cost. All meals meet the USDA meal requirements.
A typical breakfast might include ham & eggs with fruit and others might be cereal & fruit. A lunch might be Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and a vegetable and others might be a "grilled" cheese sandwich & French fries with a bowl of fruit.
Take a look at our typical weekly menu.
All meals are served with a glass of milk, water, and/or some variety of juice (100% apple, orange, grape etc...)
Diets for children under the age of 1 year are watched very carefully.
Home 'Sweet Home' Environment...

AccuClean Whole Home Air Filteration System... We have a very safe, secure and clean home and I take much pride in it.
A brand new AccuClean whole home air filteration system was recently installed. The AccuClean removes greater than 99.98% of the influenza A, B, and C influenza virsuses including the avian and H1N1 influenza virsuses from the filtered air.
Our home has smoke detectors in EVERY room. A fire extinguisher is located in the kitchen. The house is secured with a security system.
There are 3 different "spacious" areas for resting, quiet and active play. There is plenty of space (over 300 sq ft alone in the Playroom) for the children in each of these areas. State regulations require 25 sq ft (to increase to 35 sq ft) for each child.
One of the biggest safety concerns outside our home in Virginia Beach is "flight operations" at both NAS Oceana and Fentress Station. Our home is NOT located in either of their noise zones or accident zones.
You and your child will find our home very bright and cheerful!
We have a safe, large backyard, with a large railed deck (great for wet grass days) and a property perimeter fence.
All play equipment and toys are safety approved. Children NEVER play outside unsupervised.
Our home is on a dead end street; there is no thru traffic.
A Family Atmosphere...
I have an open communication between the parents and myself, which is very important.
Parents will make goodies () for everyone or even throw a pizza party.
We even have a couple of parents that do special things for us, which is really appreciated.
Toys, Books and Other Related Materials...
All of my materials are either in very good or excellent condition and are very clean.
The toys and books I have are for fun and educational purpose, designed to stimulate and encourage...
Large motor development,
Fine motor control,
Language development,
Imaginary play and
Problem solving
No Smoking...
No smoking is permitted in OR around the home OR around the children. If you do smoke around your own child, please wait until you leave.
Medications and Other Supplies...
Medicine is administered only with written permission and explicit instructions
I do administer medications (i.e. Children's Tylenol, cough medicine, antibiotics...) only if explicit written instructions are given to me. Please do not tell me verbally. In the note it must include dosage, time(s) and date(s) to be given. All medications must be in their original containers, dated with the prescription label and your child's first and last names attached.
I ask parents to please bring their own droppers, measuring spoons or cups to prevent the other children from getting sick using the same utensils or applicators.
We keep a very well-stocked first aid (expiration dates observed) for minor emergencies.
If in my opinion your child has an excessive fever or coughing or is vomiting, has "pink-eye", any communicable disease or illness, etc...I will call you to have your child picked up. This is only fair to the other children and to my family if your child goes home until they are well again.
Here is the latest influenza report (~55K) from The Weather Channel.
A "Diaper Bag Checklist" is included with your "Welcome Kit" if you're not sure what to bring with you each morning.

Occasional overnights are welcomed (subject to advanced notice and availability). All pick-up times are around 9 a.m. the following morning.

Please let me know in advance. Some parents can receive a monthly calendar of dates from their superiors.

Parent(s) Night Out...

If you like to go out with your spouse or friends to a late movie or a special occasion during the week, please let me know.


Please keep in mind that if you bring your child earlier than 5PM, the extra hours rate* will apply in addition to the regular overnight rate*.

If you would like your child to spend sometime around other people or if you just need time by yourself, let me know.
There might be an occasion where I'll ask you if you wouldn't mind if your child can sleepover. Those are on me!

Extended Care...

Extended care is welcomed (again subject to advanced notice and availability).
This is anytime more than 2 days and 2 overnights together.
If you are going out-of-town for the weekend or have a couple of evening school classes and have to work during the day, please let me know.
Parent / Provider Communication...
It is very important that you, the parent, and I have open and free communication.
If there is anything that you need or want to discuss with me, please don't hesitate.
I hold a very important job because I will be caring for all of your child's needs while they are with me; so if you would like any references, personal or past/present clients, please just ask me and I'll be more than happy to offer their names and numbers. If you do call a reference, please state who you are and why you are calling them. Please call them during "reasonable" hours.
(For this website only...I will not list the names or numbers of the references. Please call me at 757-427-2317 and I can provide you with them. Thank you.)

All children are welcomed as to race (i.e. white, black etc...), national or ethnic origin (i.e. Asian, Hispanic etc...), sex (boy/girl) and religion.
I can be reached at any time if you have any questions or concerns.
If there are any changes in your child's "regular" pick-up or drop-off times, call me! This helps me out so much. I have planned activities throughout the day for the children.
So that I can spend time with my own family, I do not provide childcare on any state observed holiday.
Rates, Fees and Availability...
There is no set tuition rate. Several factors determine your tuition i.e. the age of your child(ren), the amount of hours in care, etc.
As mentioned earlier, there are no long-term contracts required* and no registration and/or enrollment fees.
A breakfast, a regular lunch, snacks and beverages are provided at no extra cost to the parents for the children.
Always call ahead for exact tuition rates and availability.
For The Record...
All childcare expenses paid to me are recorded in detail.
The use of IRS Form W-10 (Dependent Care Provider’s Identification and Certification) is highly encouraged; providing you with possible tax and other childcare expenses credits.
Every correspondence received by me including shot records, notices, vacation times, etc... is kept in each family's own folder and is available to you at any time.
I also encourage the use of FSAs (Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts) if your employer offers such an account.
Even though your canceled check can be used for a receipt, a written receipt, upon request, can be provided to you.
Frequently Asked Questions...
I've put together a FAQ's page to answer some specific questions I get from time-to-time.
News You Can Use...
Updated Monday, March 3, 2025:
I currently have no openings until at least August 2025.

* Certain restrictions apply. Complete details are included in your "Welcome Kit." is developed and maintained by
Brenda L Corbin © 1998-2025

Thank you so much again for visiting my website. Thanks for all the e-mail and calls I have received. They are really appreciated. Please email me with any comments you have and let me know how you learned about my website.

Please keep me in mind for your childcare needs.

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